About Us
The MacKillop Institute empowers positive cultural change, and safety and wellbeing in workplaces and schools. We are committed to working collaboratively across education, community sectors, government and business, to transform practice and enhance outcomes. We provide a range of professional learning programs, courses, workshops and training and our partnership with universities ensure that our key programs are evidence-based, drawing on research and informed by ongoing evaluation.

Why Us
Guided by MacKillop’s mission, we promote best practice informed by, evidence and research to advocate for social justice, safety, and enhanced outcomes for those we serve. The Institute provides tailored professional learning, training and consultancy solutions that embed evidence-based practice enhanced capacity building and promote a culture of wellbeing that draws on the collective wisdom of those accessing our services.
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Our Team
The MacKillop Institute draws on the collective experience of MacKillop Family Services’ practice and the direct work of over 2,000 staff who are supporting children, young people and families in communities all across Australia. The MacKillop Institute's experienced and multidisciplinary team collaborates and shares our knowledge, practice and expertise with a wider audience, partnering for greater impact and strengthening safety and wellbeing for children, workplaces, families, and communities.
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