Power to Kids

Strengthening prevention and responses to sexual exploitation, harmful sexual behaviours and dating violence for young people in residential care and schools.

Developed by MacKillop Family Services in partnership with The University of Melbourne, delivered by The MacKillop Institute.

Contact us to Find Out More

"We should be doing everything we can to stop [Child Sexual Exploitation]. That’s why we’ve recommended that Power to Kids be rolled out to all residential care houses."

Liana Buchanan, Principal Victorian Commissioner for Children and Young People.


Program background & delivery details

Power to Kids in Schools

The Power to Kids program is currently being adapted for school settings. The Power to Kids in Schools program will support educators with the knowledge and practical skills to hold 'brave conversations' around sexual health and safety. The program features three evidence-based strategies including a school-wide education approach, early identification and intervention, and connecting with appropriate services to disrupt harm.

Contact us if you want to know more about the Power to Kids in Schools program.

"Six weeks ago, I don't think he would have come forward…Now he knows that this actually isn't okay… I think that the program has definitely had an influence on him and made him feel comfortable to talk to the staff around what has happened."

Case Manager referring to a young man disclosing an act of harmful sexual behaviour


"One striking thing that came out of (the program) was that the girls mentioned to the carers that they should be talking to one of the other girls in the house, because they think she's being groomed by her uncle... the girls seemed concerned about this relationship… and mentioned that to the carers..."

Sexual Health Nurse
