Changes to the Power to Kids Out of Home Care Program
Power to Kids is embarking on the next exciting phase of its journey. Over the past two years, we have been privileged to share the incredible learning and benefits of the Power to Kids professional learning program nationwide, made possible by the invaluable and incredibly generous support of Westpac's Safer Children, Safer Communities initiative. Westpac's support has enabled us to reach over 40 organisations nationally, train over 1000 out of home care professionals, and impact over 3500 young people.
Our independent research and evaluation conducted in collaboration with the University of Melbourne demonstrates the ability of Power to Kids to support professionals, equipping them with the necessary skills and confidence to act to prevent, identify and respond to the sexual abuse of children and young people.
In 2024, we're excited for Power to Kids to transition to a new service model that will enable us to continue to deliver high-quality training and increase our focus on embedding implementation into practice.
We will continue to build on the incredible achievements and learnings from the past two years and offer partner organisations a range of flexible and customised options to meet individual needs, budgets and timeframes.
We look forward to continuing to embed the program with our current partners and the opportunity to work with providers looking to start their journey towards stronger responses to child sexual abuse. If you're interested in collaborating with us or learning more about our services, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Power to Kids
Power to Kids is a professional learning program that upskills and empowers out of home care professionals to strengthen prevention and responses to sexual exploitation, harmful sexual behaviours and dating violence for young people in residential care.