Accreditation: Professional Development and Courses for Australian Teachers

All MacKillop Institute professional learning offerings including programs, workshops, professional development (PD) sessions and training are aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
Educators who complete any offering from The MacKillop Institute will be provided with a certificate acknowledging completion of professional learning.
Certificates can be used as evidence of a teacher's ongoing and continuous professional development and learning accreditation.
On completion of professional learning offered by The MacKillop Institute, we will supply a certificate of completion outlining:
• Participant's name
• Course name
• Facilitator and provider details
• Australian Professional Standards for Teachers covered by the PD
• Length of the course in hours, e.g., five hours
• Completion date
Depending on your state or territory there are different requirements. The MacKillop Institute certificates can be used as evidence of self-elected or elective PD.
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
In the Australian Capital Territory teachers may submit their completion of The MacKillop Institute offerings as a Teacher Identified Professional Learning for registration purposes. We recommend supplying a copy of your completion certificate with a reflection identifying the impact on your professional knowledge, understanding and practice.
New South Wales (NSW)
Teachers must complete 100 hours of professional development (PD) over five years, which includes:
• 50 hours of NESA-accredited PD, covering all mandatory priority areas
• 50 hours of elective or additional NESA-accredited PD.
The MacKillop Institute certificates can be used as evidence of elective PD.
Northern Territory (NT)
Teachers can submit their completion of a MacKillop Institute professional development course for registration purposes, provided it meets the appropriate Australian teaching standard.
Queensland (QLD)
Completion of a MacKillop Institute professional development course can contribute to Queensland teachers' continuing professional development (CPD) if it:
• Is relevant to the teacher's role
• Aligns with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
• Is distinct from activities that are normal expectations of the teacher's role or extra-curricular engagements
• Includes a completion certificate for records.
South Australia (SA)
Teachers can submit their completion of professional learning offered by The MacKillop Institute for registration purposes, provided it meets the appropriate Australian teaching standard. All our programs provide a certificate with the appropriate standards outlined.
Tasmania (TAS)
The Teachers Registration Act of Tasmania does not require teachers to undertake a set number of hours of professional learning or for it to be accredited against the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Tasmanian teachers can attend any relevant professional learning and count it towards renewal processes or progression to registration.
Victoria (VIC)
The MacKillop Institute offerings completed by teachers to develop their professional knowledge and practice to support student learning and that are relevant to their teaching context can be counted as professional learning. Teachers must keep a record of the completion certificate and write a reflection about the PD for it to contribute to their annual registration.
Western Australia (WA)
Teachers have the discretion to undertake relevant and appropriate professional learning that matches their current teaching career needs.
Upcoming Learning and Events
Explore our range of upcoming professional learning, short courses, online learning modules and events.